The Revd Dr David Crook will be licensed as Priest-in-Charge of Fittleworth and Stopham in the church of St Mary, Fittleworth, by the Bishop of Horsham, on 29 May. David is a former secondary school teacher and worked for almost 20 years at the Institute of Education, University of London, and then Brunel University, where he held senior academic posts. He trained for ordained public ministry at Westcott House, Cambridge, and, over the past four years, has served his curacy in the Benefice of Easebourne, Lodsworth and Selham, near Midhurst.
David is married to Karen, a healthcare assistant at St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester, and they have two sons: Hugh, now on the point of finishing his four-year Engineering studies at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and starting as an electronics patent attorney in London, and Guy, who is studying for GCSEs at Midhurst Rother College.
David is looking forward to leading our beautiful rural churches, maintaining strong links with the school and getting to know those who live in, work in or visit our locality. As well as leading services at both Benefice churches, he will offer pastoral support to the communities of Fittleworth and Stopham, such as visiting the sick and bereaved, and he will be particularly delighted to meet individuals and families planning a baptism or wedding. David will move to Fittleworth Rectory in late May.