We use the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, with readings from the 1611 Authorised King James Version of the Bible, exclusively for every Sunday service.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of each month, and on the second Sunday our service is sung Evensong; on the fourth Sunday we sing Matins.
Music is at the heart of our worship and our hymns are chosen from Hymns Ancient and Modern. The congregation enjoy singing these wonderful traditional hymns, well known from everyone’s childhood. The canticles and responses are sung to similarly well-known settings, enabling all to join in. St Mary the Virgin is blessed to have two organists, and a recently installed new organ, thus ensuring the continuation of live music in all our services.
First Sunday
11am Holy Communion
Second Sunday
6pm Sung Evensong
(This service is brought forward to 4:00pm during winter months)