
If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening to you that you don’t like, please visit the Childline Website by clicking on the bottom below, or telephone Childline on 0800 1111.

In Our Church

The wellbeing and safety of all who attend our events is very important to us at St Mary the Virgin. We’ve been working hard to ensure we have good policies and practices in place to protect both young and old people in the church.

Click the following links for more information:


Church of England, Chichester Diocese Support

  • If you are an adult and you need support about something that is happening to you, please click this link or one of the following links.
  • If you need to report a safeguarding concern to the statutory authorities in Sussex, please click this link, choose the option that most describes the situation you are concerned about, and follow the advice and links you find there. Please then also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.
  • If you need to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please click this link.