Sunday 5th May 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 12th May 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 19th May 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 26th May 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 5th May 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 12th May 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 19th May 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 26th May 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 7 April 11am Holy Communion, followed by the Annual Parish Meeting in the village hall
Sunday 14 April 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 21 April 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 28 April 11am Matins
3 March 11am Holy Communion
10 March MOTHERING SUNDAY 4pm Sung Evensong
17 March 11am Holy Communion
24 March PALM SUNDAY 11am Holy Communion
29 March GOOD FRIDAY 2pm Hour at the Cross
31 March EASTER DAY 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 7th January 11.00 Holy Communion
Sunday 14th January 16.00 Sung Evensong
Sunday 21st January 11.00 Holy Communion
Sunday 28th January 11.00 Sung Matins
Sunday 3 December 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 10 December 4pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 17 December 6pm CAROL SERVICE
Sunday 24 December no service at Stopham
CHRISTMAS DAY 11am Holy Communion with carols
Sunday 31 December no service at Stopham
Sunday 5 November 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 12 November REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY: 10.50am at the War Memorial, followed by service in church
Sunday 19 November 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 29 November 11am Sung Matins
Please note: there will be no Evensong this month
Sunday 1 October 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 8 October 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 15 October 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 22 October 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 29 October no service at Stopham
Please bring donations of non-perishable goods for distribution to Family Support Work.
3rd September 11am Holy Communion
10th September 6pm Sung Evensong
17th September 11am Holy Communion
24th September 11am Harvest Festival, followed by a Harvest Lunch in the village hall.