Sunday 6th August 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th August 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 20th August 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 27th August 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 6th August 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th August 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 20th August 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 27th August 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 2 July 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 9 July 6pm Evensong
Sunday 16 July 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 July 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 30 July No service at Stopham
Sunday 4 June 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 11 June 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 18 June 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 25 June 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 7 May 11am A service of readings and music ‘Kings and Crowns’ to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, followed by festive refreshments in the churchyard
Sunday 14 May 6pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 21 May 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 28 May 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 2 April PALM SUNDAY 11am Holy Communion
Friday 7 April GOOD FRIDAY 2pm Hour at the Cross
Sunday 9 April EASTER DAY 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 16 April 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 23 April 11am Sung Matins, followed by Annual Parish Meeting in the village hall
Sunday 30 April 10.30 am Sung Matins – please note revised time
Sunday 5 March 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 12March 4pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 19 March 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 26 March 11am Sung Matins
We are delighted to welcome The Bishop of Chichester, Bishop Martin, to officiate at our morning service at 11 am on Sunday 26th February.
Sunday 5 February 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 12 February 4pm Sung Evensong
Sunday 19 February 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 26 February 11am Holy Communion, led by The Bishop of Chichester
Sunday 1 January No service
Sunday 8 January 4pm Evensong
Sunday 15 January 11am Holy Communion
Sunday 22 January 11am Sung Matins
Sunday 29 January No service
Please join us for traditional services and a very warm welcome